Let’s face it, Instagram is a social media force that cannot be ignored. With more than 1 billion active monthly users it’s no surprise that businesses and influencers alike are all rushing to expand their social media presence.
We thought that since building your tribe can be challenging enough, we’ll make the journey a little easier by offering you some Instagram account names that we love, as well as some pointers on coming up with your own.
What’s in a name?
Well, there’s quite a bit in a name, actually!
Your name is the first impression that a user will have of you; it tells them what you’re all about, and it is the basis of your identity, inherently linked to the brand that you will create.
Having a good Instagram name, also known as handle, will open the door to successful brand identity.
Best Instagram Names to Get Followers

Whether you’re looking for a first-time handle for your account or going for a rebranding through changing your handle, here are some criteria that you should match your creations up against to find the best that is catchy and also available. There are 4 main considerations in creating the best Instagram names to get followers:
1. Identify your niche
Before coming up with a name for your account, you need to hone in on the type of content you’ll be offering your followers. Is it a personal account? Is this account primarily for business or marketing purposes? Are you going to be posting content related to a specific sector, such as cars, or travel? Knowing this before coming up with any ideas will help you to specify your name and keep it connected to your content, making it more memorable.
2. Elements of the name
Depending on the purpose of your account, you can now think of some elements that your Instagram handle will consist of. If you’re going for a personal account or an account linked to your personal image, you should consider using your name in some capacity so that you are connected to it.
If you’re looking for a business account, you should always include some form of your business details, such as the name, sector, location, or some other trending industry identifier, like a buzzword.
If you intend on creating a meme account or a place to share funny content or promote your Youtube channel, consider using a joke or a pun in your name title so that people can identify your purpose right off the bat.
Once you have identified the main elements that you want to include in your name, be sure that you can find ways to transfer and incorporate this same name into other platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter. If you have a cross-platform strategy and you are going by different names on all platforms, it will be a lot more challenging for your followers to track you down, as well as inconsistent. Keep your handle as consistent as possible, if not exactly the same, across all platforms.
3. Compile the name
Now that you’ve got some words or elements to include in your name, think about how you are going to bring them all together. Try to avoid using random numbers or words that don’t add any value to your username. Try to keep it as short as possible; if you have a lot of information to include, for instance, on a business account, cut that down so that your username isn’t too long. Your username should be memorable and easily accessible to your audience, so using a long name is only going to hurt you. Short and sweet is what you’re going for here.
4. Availability
The final step to creating your account name is finding out whether or not it’s available. If you are creating a new account, you won’t be able to proceed until you input an account name that is not already taken.
Instagram will alert you if it is taken through an error message.
To change the name of your already existing account, you need to start on your main profile page. You’ll click “edit profile,” which is where you can add your personal information and bio as well as change your profile picture. Click your username and it will take you to the next screen where you can input your new selected handle. If your username is already taken, it will alert you, and you won’t be able to continue with the change.
In general, if you find the username you want is already taken, you can add additional letters or punctuation, like periods or underscores. Be wary about this, however; if you choose a username that is very similar or exactly the same as another account with only a punctuation mark as the difference, it can lead to confusion for your audience.
Furthermore, you’ll likely be associated with the other accounts that share a similar name, or noted as trying to copy them, which can negatively affect your account image and credibility. Try to be as unique as possible and don’t stick too close to what others have already created.
So, there you have it, our top four guidelines to creating the Instagram name of your dreams. In case you’re looking for a little more inspiration, we’ve added some popular Instagram accounts with creative handles. They’ve all got a unique twist on their personal brand and incorporate their brand elements in catchy ways.
Check them out!
Travel Instagram Names
Fashion Instagram Names
Fitness Instagram Names
Lifestyle Instagram Names
Meme Instagram Names
Influencer Instagram Names
This category is a little bit unique since many influencers are directly connected to their personal image; you will see many times influencers that plan on having or already have a high level of clout will keep their name exactly as-is.
Car Instagram Names
Music Instagram Names
Food Instagram Names
Professional Instagram Names
These are for the more professional accounts. You might have a beauty account or business profile!
@ iamnataliebrite
After you have choosen the right name, the next step is to create a posting schedule and complete marketing stratergy to ensure you have the highest chance of success on Instagram. Make sure you content creation is top quality, use hashtags and engage with your audience!