8 Ways How To Spot Fake Instagram Messages (+ Effective Tips To Stay Safe)

You need to know how to spot fake Instagram messages because although Instagram is great for sharing photos and videos or connecting with friends, it’s also a hotbed for scams. 

Fake Instagram messages are one of the most common ways scammers operate. They seem harmless at first but can lead to identity theft, loss of personal info, and even financial fraud.

We must be aware of these threats and know how to protect ourselves. Scammers are getting smarter and their tactics more clever.

This will help you learn how to detect fake Instagram messages and common scams and what to do if you get one. Stay informed and keep your Instagram experience safe and fun.

How to Spot Fake Instagram Messages

Identify fake Instagram messages

Not all Instagram messages are what they seem. Some are from fake Instagram accounts designed to get you to click a harmful link or share personal info. Here are the signs:

  1. Suspicious Links and URLs - One of the most common signs of a fake message is a suspicious link. These links look legitimate at first but could be malware or phishing scams, so always check the URL before you click. For example, instead of leading to "instagram.com" a fake link might take you to "instagram-support.com" which is a trick to steal your login credentials.
  2. Poor Grammar and Spelling - Another sign is poor grammar and spelling. Everyone makes mistakes, but legitimate businesses and accounts usually send messages that are clear and professional. Fake Instagram messages often have glaring errors which is a sign they were rushed out by a scammer.
  3. Offers That Are Too Good to Be True - Have you ever got a message saying you’ve won a prize or you can get a million followers for free? These are classic examples of offers that are too good to be true. Scammers use these tactics to get you in. Remember if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

How to Identify Unknown or Suspicious Accounts

It’s hard to tell if an account is fake or not, especially if the scammer has gone all out to make it look real. Here are some tips to identify suspicious or unknown accounts:

  • Profile Analysis - A glance at the profile will give you clues. Fake Instagram accounts usually have minimal posts and those posts are generic or stock photos. Also, check the followers-to-following ratio. If an account is following thousands of people but has very few followers it’s likely fake.
  • Unusual Usernames - Another way to detect a fake account is the username. Fake Instagram accounts will have usernames that are a random string of letters and numbers or very similar to a well-known person’s username but with slight changes, like extra underscores or numbers.
  • Inactive or Empty Profiles - Profiles with no posts or activity are another red flag. Scammers will create multiple fake accounts and not bother to populate them with content. If an account has little to no content, be cautious.

Fake Instagram Accounts Through Profile Analysis

Looking deeper into an account’s profile will reveal more signs it’s fake. Here are some things to look for:

  • Recent and Sudden Activity - Fake accounts are often created quickly to scam and will show recent activity. If all posts are within a short time frame and the account was just set up to send spam messages, it’s not a real account.
  • No Personal Details - Real Instagram users will fill out their profiles with personal details, a bio, a link to a website, and maybe links to other social media profiles. Fake accounts will lack this information or provide very generic details.
  • Profile Picture Quality - Look at the profile picture closely. Many fake accounts use low-quality or generic images. A reverse image search will show if the profile picture is used elsewhere on the internet, so it’s not unique to that account.

Instagram Spam Comments and Messages

Spam messages and comments are not just annoying, they can be a sign of a bigger scam. These comments will appear on popular posts and will lead to suspicious fake accounts or websites.

Repetitive Content 

Spam comments will have repetitive phrases or promotional links. For example, you’ll see multiple comments on different posts saying, "Great post! Check out my page!" followed by a link. These are usually generated by bots.

Irrelevant Responses

If a comment doesn’t relate to the post or seems out of place, it’s spam. For example, a comment about gaining followers on a post about a personal experience is a spam account.


Many spam emails promise free products, followers, or likes. These are usually bait to get you to click on a link or follow a scam fake Instagram account. Always be cautious of these too-good-to-be-true offers.

Common Instagram Scams and How to Avoid Them

Scammers are always coming up with new ways to trick Instagram users. Knowing the common scams can help you avoid them.

Instagram scams come in many forms, but they follow a similar pattern. Here are the most common ones:


Such scams are sending fake messages that will trick you into giving away your info such as your Instagram login details. These scams often involve a fake link that will direct you to a website that looks like Instagram but is designed to steal your info.

Impersonation Scams

In these scams, a scammer creates a fake account that impersonates a famous person or someone you know. They might send messages asking for money or personal info, saying they’re in trouble or need help.

Fake Giveaways and Contests

Another common scam is the fake giveaway. Scammers will tell you you’ve won a contest or giveaway but to claim your prize you need to give away personal info or pay a small fee. Legitimate companies never ask for payment to claim a prize.

Investment Scams

You might get a message offering a guaranteed return on investment if you send a certain amount of money. These scams promise high returns but are just a way to take your money. Always be wary of investment offers on Instagram, especially if they seem too good to be true.

How Scammers Use Fake Accounts

Fake Instagram accounts are the foundation of many scams. Scammers use these fake accounts to look credible and trustworthy. They might steal photos from real users, create realistic-sounding usernames, and even engage with other users to build a following. Here’s how they use these fake accounts to scam people:

  1. Scammers know the more followers they have the more credible they seem. They might use fake followers or buy followers to increase their numbers and make their accounts look legit. Once they’ve built credibility they can start sending out scam messages.
  2. Once a fake account is set up they can use it to send mass messages to many users at once. These messages might contain links to phishing sites or ask for personal info. Because the account looks legit users are more likely to fall for the scam.
  3. Scammers sometimes create such accounts as influencers. They might send messages offering to promote your account or sell you a product at a discount. These are usually scams that take your money or steal your information.

What to Do If You Receive a Fake Instagram Message

how to recognize fake Instagram DMs

If you receive a message that you suspect is fake, taking the right steps can protect you and others from falling victim to the scam.

Reporting Suspicious Messages

Reporting suspicious messages helps Instagram take action against scammers and protect the community. Here’s how to report a message:

  • Open the Message: If you receive a suspicious message, don’t click any links but open it to see the content.
  • Report It: Tap on the message, then select the option to report it. Instagram will ask you to choose a reason for your report, such as “It’s spam” or “It’s inappropriate.”
  • Block the Account: After reporting the message, consider blocking the account so they can’t contact you again.

Blocking and Restricting Fake Accounts

Blocking and restricting are two powerful tools to prevent scammers from interacting with you:

  • Blocking Fake Accounts: When you block an account, it can no longer see your profile, send you messages, or interact with your content. To block an account, go to their profile, tap the three dots in the upper right corner, and select “Block.”
  • Restricting Fake Accounts: If you’re unsure whether an account is fake or don’t want to block it outright, you can restrict it. This limits the account’s ability to comment on your posts or send you Instagram direct messages without your approval. To restrict an account, go to their profile, tap the three dots, and select “Restrict.”

Protecting Your Instagram Account

Protecting your account is crucial in preventing scams:

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, like a code sent to your phone, whenever you log in. This makes it much harder for scammers to hack your account.
  • Use a Strong, Unique Password: Your password is the first line of defense. Make sure it’s strong and unique to Instagram, meaning you don’t use it for other accounts. Consider using a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Turn Off Read Receipts: Another way to protect your privacy is by managing your message settings, like turning off read receipts. This can help you avoid giving away too much information to potential scammers. You can learn more about how to turn off read receipts on Instagram by visiting our detailed guide.

Keep Your Private Account If you’re concerned about privacy, consider setting your account to private. This way, only people you approve can follow you and see your posts. While this doesn’t eliminate the risk of receiving fake messages, it reduces the number of people who can interact with you.

How to Spot Fake Followers and Spam

Fake followers and spam are more than just a pain in the butt – they can actually hurt your credibility and engagement. So you gotta get rid of them to keep your account healthy and real.

Inactive Profiles

Fake followers are usually linked to inactive profiles. These profiles have no posts, no profile pictures, and little to no engagement. 

They exist only to boost your follower count. If you see a sudden spike in followers without a corresponding increase in engagement (likes, comments), it’s likely fake followers. This can happen if someone buys followers or a scammer targets your account.

Generic Usernames

Fake followers use generic or randomized usernames like "user12345" or a string of random characters. These are usually automated accounts created in bulk by scammers. Check out our guide if you wish to learn how to remove fake IG followers.

Spam Comments

  • Check Comments Regularly - Checking your comments section regularly can help you spot and remove spam quickly. Look for repetitive comments, generic praise, or comments with suspicious links.
  • Instagram Filters - Instagram has filters to auto-filter out spam. You can set up filters to block certain keywords or phrases that spammers use.
  • Engage with Real Followers - Engage with real followers by commenting and liking their posts. This will boost your engagement and help you spot real followers from fake ones.

How to Protect Your Financial Info on Your Instagram

Your financial info is the jackpot for scammers who often operate through fake accounts. Protecting it on your Instagram is key to avoiding financial fraud and identity theft. Here’s how to do it:

Don’t Share Financial Info

  • Never share your credit card numbers, bank accounts, or social security numbers on your Instagram.
  • If someone from a fake account asks for this info, even if they claim to be a legit business or someone you know.

Be Careful of Payment Requests

  • Check any payment requests you receive, especially if it’s from an unknown Instagram account or a suspicious source.
  • Contact the person directly through another method to see if the payment request is legit or if it’s from a fake account.

Don’t Click on Suspect Payment Notifications

  • Don’t click on links in payment notifications that look fishy, especially if it’s from an Instagram account you don’t know.
  • Verify payments by checking your official payment service app or website directly, not through a fake account.

Protect Your Payment Methods

  • Use credit cards or PayPal when buying on Instagram, so you’re buying from a real account, not a fake one.
  • Don’t save your payment info on your Instagram account to minimize damage if a fake account hacks your account.

Check Your Statements

  • Check your bank and credit card statements regularly for unusual transactions linked to your Instagram account.
  • Report suspicious activity to your bank ASAP if you think a fake account is involved.

Educate Your Friends and Family About Instagram Scams

how to detect fake messages on Instagram

You need to protect yourself from fake Instagram messages and scams but also educate your friends and family. Scammers create fake accounts to target those who are not familiar with Instagram’s security features or digital safety practices.

Share What You Know

  • Talk to your friends and family, especially those new to Instagram or social media. Make sure they know how to spot many fake accounts by looking for signs like suspicious links, unusual usernames, and poor grammar.
  • Warn them about scammers who create fake Instagram messages to trick users into sharing personal info or clicking harmful links.

Help Them Identify Fake Accounts

  • Explain to them how scammers create fake accounts and how they work. Show them how to spot fake accounts by looking for red flags like minimal posts, generic content, and no personal details.
  • Tell them to avoid engaging with accounts that seem suspicious. Many scammers will create fake Instagram accounts that mimic legitimate ones so make sure to verify before interacting.

Encourage Safe Habits

  • Help them set up two-factor authentication on their Instagram account to protect against scammers who might create fake accounts to gain access.
  • Tell them to use strong, unique passwords and keep their account private to limit the number of fake accounts they interact with.
  • Remind them to check their bank statements regularly for any suspicious transactions, especially if they’ve interacted with accounts that could be fake.

Be Helpful

  • Offer to help them if they’re unsure about a message or encounter an account that might be fake. This will help them to spot fake Instagram accounts better and not get scammed.
  • Share resources or articles about how scammers create fake Instagram accounts and the latest ways to spot fake Instagram accounts so they stay informed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know if a bot is messaging you on Instagram?

Bots send generic messages like “Hey, check out my profile!” These messages are automated and not personalized. Bots can also be used to spread false information or promote suspicious accounts.

How to spot an Instagram scammer?

Look for a fake Instagram account: no posts, few followers, or a generic profile picture. Scammers try to gain followers by sending urgent messages asking for personal info or money. Always check for verified accounts with a blue checkmark.

Can I track a fake Instagram account?

Tracking a fake account is hard because scammers use fake info and proxies. But you can report the suspicious account to Instagram and they might investigate to stop the spread of scams and false info.

How to check spam on Instagram?

Instagram puts suspected spam in your “Requests” folder in direct messages. You can review and delete or respond if needed, but be wary of suspicious accounts trying to gain followers through spam.


Being safe on Instagram is all about being aware and careful. By knowing how to spot fake Instagram messages and common scams, you can keep your info private and have a safer online life. Always remember to verify who you’re talking to, report suspicious activity, and keep your account settings locked.

In case you need to buy legitimate Instagram accounts that are verified and safe you can do so from UseViral, where we ensure you're getting real and verified accounts for the best prices. By following all our tips and being aware, you can help make Instagram a safer place for everyone.