How to Tag Someone On Instagram: A Complete Guide

Are you wondering how to tag someone on Instagram

Tagging is a simple yet powerful feature that helps you connect with others and increase engagement on your posts and stories. 

Keep reading to discover practical tips, real-world examples, and straightforward steps to enhance your Instagram interactions and grow your online presence.

How to Tag Someone On Instagram

Tagging someone on Instagram can significantly enhance your interaction with your followers and those you tag. 

Whether you’re tagging in a post, story, or comment, knowing how to do it effectively ensures that the right people see your content. 

Tagging isn't just about visibility; it's about building connections, fostering engagement, and making your content more interactive and discoverable. 

Tagging in an Instagram Post

Tagging someone in an Instagram post is one of the most effective ways to engage with your audience. 

When you tag someone, they receive a notification, and the tagged post is added to their profile under the 'Tagged' section. 

This increases the likelihood of them seeing your post and boosts its visibility to their followers. 

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Upload Your Instagram Photo or Video: Select the content you want to share. Whether it’s a recent vacation picture or an event video, choose the media that best represents your direct message. Once selected, tap 'Next' to proceed to the editing screen for digital marketing.

  2. Edit Your Content (Optional): Instagram offers a variety of editing tools, from filters to adjustment tag options. Before tagging, you might want to enhance your content to make it more appealing. After editing, tap 'Next' again.

  3. Add Instagram Tags: On the final screen before posting, you’ll see an option to 'Tag People' below the caption area. Tap on it to start tagging.

  4. Search and Select the User: Begin typing the username of the person you want to tag. Instagram will provide suggestions as you type, making it easy to find the right person. Select the appropriate profile from the dropdown list.

  5. Position the Tag: After selecting the user, tap on the photo where you want the tag people to appear. This feature allows you to place the tag the people in a location that makes sense contextually, like over the person’s face in a group photo or near the object you’re discussing.

  6. Post Your Content: Review the existing Instagram post to ensure everything looks good once you've positioned your Instagram tags. When satisfied, tap 'Share,' and your tagged post will go live. The tagged person will be notified, and your existing post will appear in their 'Tagged' section.

Example: Imagine you’re at a concert, and you snap a picture of the stage with your favorite band performing. 

Tagging the band’s official Instagram account in your post can increase their chances of seeing it on the Instagram app. 

If they like it, they might even share it, exposing your post to a much larger audience.

Why It Matters: Tagging in posts is particularly useful for collaborations or when you want to give credit to someone. 

For instance, if you’re working with a brand, tagging people on the user tag in your post ensures they are acknowledged and helps your followers connect with the brand directly for your private account on the Instagram app.

Tagging in an Instagram Story

Tagging in stories is another powerful way to engage with your audience. 

Stories are temporary, lasting only 24 hours, but they are apparent and often at the top of the Instagram feed, making them prime real estate for interaction. 

Here’s how to tag the people in your Instagram story:

  1. Create Your Story: Start by capturing a new photo or video or selecting one from your gallery. Depending on what you want to share, your story can be anything from a spontaneous moment to a carefully crafted update.

  2. Edit Your Story (Optional): Before tagging, you might want to add text, filters, stickers, or music to your story. This can make your content more engaging and visually appealing.

  3. Add the Tag: To tag someone, tap on the 'Aa' text icon or the sticker icon at the top of the screen. If you use the text icon, type '@' followed by the username. If you’re using the sticker icon, select the 'Mention' sticker and start typing the username. Instagram will suggest profiles as you type.

  4. Position the Tag: Once you've selected the profile, position to tag someone on the story. You can resize and move it around as needed. Depending on how prominent you want it to be, to tag someone can be small and subtle or large and bold.

  5. Share the Story: After you’ve positioned to add tags and are satisfied with the story's looks, tap 'Your Story' to share it. The person you tagged will receive a notification and can choose to share your story with their followers.

Example: Let’s say you’re attending a conference, and you capture a moment from one of the keynote speeches. 

Tagging the speaker in your story not only notifies them but also gives your followers direct access to the speaker’s profile, enhancing engagement and creating a more connected experience.

Why It Matters: Tagging in Instagram stories is excellent for real-time interaction. It lets you acknowledge someone quickly and enable them to engage with your content immediately. 

For businesses, tagging in Instagram stories can drive traffic to promotions, events, or collaborations.

Tagging in Comments and Captions

Tagging isn’t limited to posts and stories; you can tag someone in Instagram comments and captions. 

This method is often used to draw attention to a specific person within a conversation or to credit someone in the Instagram caption of a post. 

Here’s how it works:

  1. Tagging in Comments: When leaving a comment on a post, you can tag someone by typing '@' followed by their username. This is useful if you want to bring a particular post to someone’s attention or if you’re replying to a comment and want to ensure the person sees your response.

  2. Tagging in Captions: You can also tag people directly in the caption of your post. This is similar to tagging in the post but is integrated into the text you write for the caption. It’s often used to credit collaborators or mention someone related to the content.

Example: If you’re discussing a topic in the comments and you know someone who would be interested in the conversation, tagging them ensures they see it. 

For example, “@username, this looks like something you’d enjoy!” This draws them into the discussion and fosters interaction.

Why It Matters: Tagging in comments and captions is more about direct communication than visibility. 

It’s a way to engage with individuals in a more conversational context, making Instagram a more interactive platform.


Learning how to tag someone on Instagram is essential for maximizing your social media presence. 

Whether you’re tagging in Instagram posts, stories, or comments, each method has unique benefits that can help increase engagement and visibility. 

Tagging thoughtfully ensures that your content reaches the right people and can significantly expand your audience. 

So next time you share something on Instagram, remember the power of a simple tag; it can make all the difference in how your content is perceived and shared.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I tag someone in an Instagram post?

To tag someone in an Instagram post, upload your photo or video, select 'Tag Someone,' search for the Instagram username, and position to tag someone on your post. 

This not only notifies the person tagged but also increases the visibility of your post among their followers.

How do I tag someone in an Instagram story?

Tagging in an Instagram story involves creating your story, using the text or sticker icon to type '@' followed by the username, and positioning to tag people on the story. 

This makes your story interactive and notifies the tagged person, who can share it with their followers.

How do I tag someone?

You can tag someone by typing '@' followed by their username in posts, stories, comments, or captions. 

Tagging draws the person’s attention to your content and can increase engagement on your post.

Is it better to tag people or mention it on Instagram?

Tagging is generally better for increasing visibility, as it adds the post to the tagged person’s profile and notifies their Instagram followers

Mentioning is more casual and is often used in comments or captions to draw attention without linking profiles. The choice depends on your goal: to increase reach or engage in a conversation.