Instagram Hacked: What to Do and How to Protect Your Account

Instagram is a popular platform for sharing photos, connecting with friends, and building businesses. 

However, with its popularity comes the risk of hacking. 

If your Instagram account is hacked, it can be a stressful experience. 

Hackers might delete your posts, send inappropriate messages, or even demand a ransom to give back your Instagram account. 

Knowing how to protect your Instagram hacked and what to do if it's hacked is crucial.

Why Do Hackers Target Instagram Accounts?

Hackers target other accounts for various reasons. 

For some, it’s about stealing personal information or spreading scams through followers. Others do it for financial gain, demanding money to return the Instagram account. 

Some hackers use hacked accounts to promote their own content or products, taking advantage of your followers. 

High-profile online accounts, like those of celebrities or influencers, are especially attractive because of their large audiences.

Common Ways Other Instagram Accounts Get Hacked

Knowing how hackers typically gain access to all your accounts can help you avoid becoming a victim. 

Here are some of the most common methods hackers use:

1. Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are one of the most common ways hackers target Instagram users. 

These scams often involve fake messages or emails that appear to come from Instagram. 

The message might claim there is an issue with your Instagram account and ask you to click a link to log in and fix the problem. 

However, the link directs you to a fake website designed to look like Instagram. When you enter your login details, the hacker captures them and gains access to your Instagram account.

2. Brute Force Attacks

Brute force attacks involve hackers using software to try thousands of password combinations in a very short time. 

If your password is weak or commonly used, it can be cracked quickly through this method. 

To protect against brute force attacks, it’s essential to use strong, unique passwords that combine letters, numbers, and special characters.

3. Third-Party Apps

Connecting third-party apps to your Instagram account can sometimes put your data at risk. 

Not all apps are secure, and if these apps are compromised, hackers could gain access to your Instagram information. 

It’s best to avoid giving access to apps you don’t fully trust or that don’t need it. Regularly review and remove apps that are no longer necessary or appear suspicious.

4. Social Engineering

Social engineering is another tactic where hackers trick you into giving away personal information. 

They might pretend to be someone you know or pose as Instagram support to gain your trust. 

Once they have your confidence, they could ask for sensitive information, like your password, under the guise of helping you. 

Always verify the identity of anyone asking for such information, especially if it seems unusual or unnecessary.

Signs That Your Instagram Account Has Been Hacked

It’s not always obvious that your Instagram has been hacked. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • You can’t log in with your password.
  • You notice new posts or stories you didn’t create.
  • Your email account or password has been changed.
  • Friends receive messages from you that you didn’t send.
  • You see a login from a location you don’t recognize.

If any of these things happen, it's time to act quickly to regain control.

Steps to Recover a Hacked Instagram Account

Recovering your Instagram account quickly can prevent further damage. 

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Check Your Email: Instagram sends an email account when your Instagram account information is changed. If you didn’t make the changes, use the “Revert this change” link provided in the email account to undo them.
  2. Request a Login Link from Instagram: On the login page, choose "Forgot password?" and enter your email, username, or phone number. Instagram will send a link to reset your password.
  3. Ask for a Security Code: If the login link doesn’t work, request a security code. This code adds another layer of security, helping to confirm your identity.
  4. Verify Your Identity with Instagram: If you’re still locked out, Instagram may ask for a video selfie to verify it’s you. They’ll compare the video to photos on your profile.
  5. Contact Meta Support via Facebook Business Account: If none of these methods work, you can try contacting Meta support through a connected Facebook business account. This method can sometimes be faster.

Comparison of Recovery Methods




Revert Changes via Email

Click "Revert this change" in Instagram's email if changes weren't made by you.


Request a Login Link

Use the "Forgot password?" option to get a login link and reset your password.


Ask for a Security Code

Request a security code for additional verification.


Verify with Video Selfie

Send a video selfie to Instagram for them to match with your profile pictures.


Contact Meta Support

Use Facebook business tech support if regular support isn't effective.


Tips to Protect Your Instagram Account from Hackers

Preventing a hack is much easier than dealing with the aftermath. 

Here are some actionable tips to keep your Instagram account secure and safe from hackers.

1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is one of the most effective ways to protect your Instagram account. 

With 2FA, even if a hacker manages to get your password, they would need a second code sent to your phone to log in. 

This additional layer of security makes it much harder for hackers to regain access your Instagram account.

2. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Avoid using common or easy-to-guess passwords like "password123" or your pet's name. 

Instead, create a strong password by mixing uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. 

Using a password manager can help you generate and securely store complex passwords, reducing the risk of brute force attacks.

3. Regularly Review Connected Apps

Third-party apps connected to your Instagram account can pose significant risks if they are not secure. 

Regularly review the apps that regain access to your Instagram account by going to Account Settings > Security > Apps and Websites

Remove any apps that you don’t recognize or no longer use to minimize potential vulnerabilities.

4. Monitor Login Activity

Regularly check your login activity to see if there are any unfamiliar devices or locations accessing your Instagram account. 

Go to Account Settings > Security > Login Activity and review the list of devices and locations. 

If you see something that looks suspicious, log out of all devices immediately and change your password to prevent regained access.

5. Be Wary of Phishing Attempts

Phishing is a common tactic used by hackers to trick users into giving away their login credentials. 

Always double-check the sender’s email address before clicking any suspicious links, and never enter your details on suspicious websites. 

If you receive an unexpected message or email, go directly to the Instagram app or website rather than following a link. 

This simple step can help you avoid falling for phishing scams.

The Human Side of Getting Hacked

Getting hacked can feel like a violation of privacy. 

It’s not just about losing access; it’s about the anxiety and frustration that come with it. 

For influencers and businesses, a hack can mean lost income, damaged reputation, and broken trust with followers. 

Being prepared with a recovery plan can help reduce this impact.

How to Rebuild After a Hack

If your Instagram account gets hacked and you recover it, your work isn’t done. Here are some steps to rebuild your presence:

  1. Inform Your Followers: Let your followers know what happened. Be honest and transparent. This helps rebuild trust.
  2. Review Added Security Measures: Strengthen your Instagram account security to prevent future hacks. Enable 2FA, change passwords, and review connected apps.
  3. Analyze What Went Wrong: Think about how the hack happened. Was it a weak password? Did you click a suspicious link? Learn from the experience.


In my opinion, it’s essential to stay alert and proactive. 

Instagram is a powerful platform, but it can also be a target for hackers. 

The steps to recover your Instagram account are often time-consuming and stressful, so prevention is key. Regularly review your security settings and stay informed about new scams. 

The more you know, the better you can protect your Instagram account.

Being hacked is not the end of the world, but it is a wake-up call. Learn from it, and you’ll come back stronger, with a more secure online presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens When Your Instagram Gets Hacked?

When you’re Instagram hacked, it can be a pretty stressful experience. 

Suddenly, you might not be able to log in to your Instagram account. You could see strange posts, strange messages, or stories that you never created. 

Hackers often change the Instagram password, email, or phone number associated with your Instagram account hacked. This makes it even harder for you to get back in. 

Sometimes, they might delete your photos, stories, or important messages. 

Worse, they could post inappropriate content that could get your account flagged by Instagram or upset your Instagram followers

In some cases, hackers send messages to your friends, pretending to be you, and try to trick them into giving away their personal information. 

This means hacking doesn't just affect you but could also put your friends at risk. 

So, when your account gets hacked, it’s not just about losing access. It's about dealing with the damage they can cause while they have control.

Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Back?

Yes, you can usually get your hacked Instagram account back, but it might take some effort and patience. 

The first thing to do is check your email for any messages from Instagram. 

If someone tries to change the email or Instagram password on your account, Instagram sends a message to the original email address. 

This message usually has a link to reverse the changes if you didn't make them. If that doesn’t work, try the "Forgot password?" option on the Instagram login page. 

Instagram will send a link to reset your Instagram password to your email or phone number. If you still can’t get in, Instagram may ask you to verify your identity. 

This could involve sending them a video selfie to prove that you are the rightful owner of the account. 

They will compare your selfie to the photos on your profile to confirm it is you. It might seem like a lot, but it’s important to be patient and follow each step carefully to recover your account.

Can I Get My Instagram Account Back?

Yes, it is possible to get your Instagram account hacked back after it has been hacked account, but it’s not always easy. 

You need to act quickly and follow the recovery steps provided by Instagram. Start by using the "Forgot password?" feature. 

Enter your email, username, or phone number to get an Instagram password reset link. 

If that doesn’t help, use the option to request a security code. 

Instagram sends this code to your phone, which can help you get back into your account. If things get more complicated, Instagram might ask for additional verification. 

This could involve sending a video selfie or answering questions about your account to prove you are the real owner. 

If you have a Facebook account connected to your Instagram, you can also use Facebook’s help center to get support. 

Sometimes, contacting Instagram through their official support page can also help. Remember, it might take a few tries and some patience, but most people eventually get their online accounts back.

Can I Know Who Hacked My Instagram?

It’s very hard to know exactly who hacked your Instagram account. Instagram does not usually tell you who accessed your account. 

You might get some clues by checking the login's suspicious activity. This shows where and when someone accessed your account. 

If you see a location that you don’t recognize, it could be a sign of hacking. 

Unfortunately, this doesn’t give you the hacker’s identity. Most hackers use tools that hide their real locations, making it almost impossible to track them down. 

If you are worried about it, the best thing you can do is secure your account to prevent future hacks. 

Always use a strong, unique password and enable two-factor authentication. Stay alert to any suspicious messages or emails, and regularly check your account activity for any unusual activity. 

While it may be frustrating not to know who hacked you, focusing on improving your security can help you avoid it happening again.