Hashtags are an essential element to any post on Instagram, and you are probably already using them to enhance your content and gain reach to your target audience. Posted a lovely travel image? #worldtraveler works for you! Had a really great gym sesh? #FitFreak sounds about right!
There’s a new trend in hashtags these days, though– daily hashtags. Have you noticed a surge in those #mondaymotivation posts? Maybe a few more #tuesdayvibes than usual? If you have, there’s a good reason. It’s known that weekday posting times generate more engagement, with Wednesday through Friday coming in with top-posting times.
Because of this, the weekly hashtag trend has paved the way for even more engagement opportunities; hashtags start quick conversations, so there’s no surprise that businesses are using them across all platforms to build brand awareness and bring more audience to their posts.
Daily hashtags are normally general, but they can even be customized in creative ways to hit your niche market.
In this article, we’re going to be breaking down daily hashtags– which ones are most popular, how to use them, and some tips and tricks on tailoring them for your own content. Let’s go!
Instagram Hashtags for Mondays
Mondays are notorious for being that first day back to work after the weekend. Based on overall engagement research since the COVID-19 pandemic, Mondays at 11AM are likely to get you the best engagement. And the most popular hashtags? Here are your monday options:
Monday Hashtags Posts
#monday 47.9m
#mondaymotivation 21m
#motivationmonday 8m
#mondaymood 6.8m
#mondaymorning 3.2m
#mondayblues 2.7m
#mondayvibes 2.5m
#motivationalmonday 2m
#cybermonday 2m
#mondayfunday 1.7m
Here we can see that as people start their week, one of the most trending themes that we can see is that people are looking for motivation or purpose. Some other popular hashtags for mondays along this line include #mondaymantra (416k posts), #mondaythoughts (289k posts), and #mindfulmonday (192k posts) We can also see that maybe there is a bit of sadness, like #mondayblues, or even the popular #mondaysucks (with a total of 154k posts).
Another great thing that we can notice here is our first taste of niche-tailored hashtags. On mondays, we can also see things like #manimonday (331k posts), which would be geared towards salon or manicures. There is also #modelmonday coming in at 195k posts, and #mustangmonday with 158k posts.
These more specific daily hashtags can be a great opportunity to go through the popular hashtags for that day and see which ones could potentially align with your brand and content. You could get involved with these weekly posts which can also give some continuity and consistency to your followers on a weekly basis.
So, how can you use some of these hashtags? Let’s take a look at how they’re most commonly used.
1. #monday
Not surprisingly, the simple word “Monday” comes in as the top hashtag for Monday. Here you can emphasize things that are usually done on Monday, or show off your best game face or setup for a day of success. You’ll find a wide variety of posts under this hashtag.
2. #mondaymotivation
Our second hashtag has more substantial meaning, and the goal of using this hashtag is to show your followers that you relate to them and the daily grind of getting back to work. They want to see you empathize with them and offer some insight or inspiration.
While initially it seems that this hashtag is limited, there’s a lot you can do with it. Really think about it: What motivates you? What motivates your brand, and what would resonate with your followers? It goes beyond fitness before-and-after photos. Really think about your content and how can you use this hashtag in creative ways to represent your brand image.
Regardless of which one you use, you can drive in a relatively valuable about of traffic and engagement on mondays.
Instagram Hashtags for Tuesdays
Tuesdays aren’t necessarily known for being the most primetime posting days, but they are still part of the week, and weekdays are known to drive more traffic and engagement than weekends.
Adding in a nice Tuesday post with your hashtag can be a nice way to engage your followers as they’re still getting back into the swing of the week.
Let’s check out the most popular Tuesday Hashtags.
Tuesday Hashtags Posts
#tuesday 19.7m
#transformationtuesday 15m
#tacotuesday 3.9m
#tuesdaymotivation 2.6m
#tuesdayvibes 1.2m
#traveltuesday 1.2m
#givingtuesday 1.1m
#tuesdaymorning 992k
#tuesdaytip 310k
#tuesdaytruth 124k
So right off the bat we can see that our numbers are a bit lower for Tuesday than they are for Monday, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get some great engagement out of these hashtags. There are still hundreds of thousands of people using them!
Also, we can notice the trend here that people are honing in on the small things in life, as reflected in words like “tips” and “truth.” Also, there is a sense of positivity in things like #givingtuesday, which can also be a great way to make connections with your followers and participate as a member of the community.
As it’s still more or less the beginning of the week, we’re also seeing things still connected to motivation and staying on top of your game, because on Tuesdays, people are looking to show that they’re still able to have a little fun while remaining productive.
Some other popular hashtags for Tuesdays are #tuesdayfeels (129k), #tuesdaystogether (120k), #texturetuesday (241k), and #tuesdaytrivia (71.7k). Also, #turnuptuesdays (33.6k) is a fun one to use if you’re looking to get your followers already in that weekend vibe mode or give them a little slice of excitement.
We can see that hashtags like #tacotuesday and #transformationtuesday might be more specific and not applicable to all niches, but you can still try and find creative ways to mold your content to the hashtag trend. Normally we think about food or fitness, but these could all relate also to fashion (what’s your favorite #tacotuesday outfit?), lifestyle (just found this photo of the hubs and I from about, oh, 10 years ago? Talk about #transformationtuesday!), and so many more.
Let’s examine a few of the Tuesday hashtags and see how they could be used.
1. #givingtuesday
This is a great hashtag to show the philanthropic side of your brand and also include the community or current global issues in some way that aligns with your content. For example, @crosstownbrewingcompany used #givingtuesday to highlight a promotion at their brewery in which 10% of sales would be donated to a local organization helping to provide healthcare to those in need.
While it’s important to remain connected to your brand identity, this is an absolutely fantastic opportunity to show your humanistic side and make real connections with your followers about things that you actually value.
It could also be a great opportunity to highlight a story from the community or from a follower that you feel deserves special recognition or attention; this can help followers to feel included and part of a community on your page.
2. #tuesdayvibes
We all survived Monday, so now we’re looking for new energy on Tuesday. Help your followers see that you’re still hitting those goals but keeping that fun and positive energy. When you use the hashtag #vibes you always want to make sure that your content gives off an energy that is connected to your niche and brand image.
Instagram Hashtags for Wednesday
Okay– so we’ve made it mid-week, and it shows! People are usually looking for a little escape on Wednesday, and it can give us a really great opportunity with some of the best engagement rates of the week. Let’s make sure your Wednesday hashtag game is strong.
Wednesday Hashtags Posts
#wednesday 20m
#wednesdaywisdom 3.2m
#bwwednesday 2.1m
#waybackwednesday 1.7m
#winewednesday 1.3m
#wellnesswednesday 1.1m
#weddingwednesday 1m
#wednesdayvibes 1m
#wednesdaymotivation 1m
#wednesdaymood 482k
Here we can see a little bit of self-care coming out, like “wine” and “wellness,” and maybe some nostalgic souls thinking about “way back” and “wedding” (if they’ve already gotten married!). There are lots of possibilities here to give some great content to keep your followers feeling good mid-week.
Some other popular hashtags for Wednesday include #wednesdayworkout (223k), #wednesdaynight (703k), #wednesdaymorning (277k) and #wednesdayfeels (118k).
How can we add some creativity to our wednesdays? Let’s check out some of the popular hashtags.
1. #bwwednesday
While this one might seem a little confusing at first, “bw” actually stands for “black and white,” so if this is within your brand image you might have a nice chance to incorporate some interesting content on wednesdays. You could also have a feature in your stories from users who send you some posts with the hashtag. It’s a good way to find engagement through hashtag use.
2. #wednesdaywisdom
The most popular of the Wednesday hashtags, this could be a great opportunity to infuse your feed with some things you’ve learned or some life hacks that are relevant to your niche. Maybe you’ve reached a new goal and you want to share with your followers! For example, @rachaelgliebe used her #wednesdaywisom to share that she will be competing to be on a magazine cover, alongside some meaningful quotes and messages.
Instagram Hashtags for Thursday
Woo hoo! The weekend is close and Instagram can taste it. Thursday is one of the most popular days for Instagram activity and engagement with a high number of users coming to share some nostalgia with their #TBT hashtags.
Thursday Hashtags Posts
#TBT 541m
#throwbackthursday 51.1m
#thursday 20.4m
#tbt❤️ 13.6m
#thirstythursday 3.5m
#thursdaymotivation 1.6m
#thursdaythoughts 1.6m
#thursdaynight 1.3m
#thursdayvibes 1m
#thursdaymood 466k
So, there is a clear dominance of our #throwbacks on Thursdays with a sprinkle of thoughtfulness and reflection. There is also the shift towards the weekend to come with hashtags like #thursdaynight in the millions as well as #thirstythursday.
With the weekend coming, using the hashtag #thursdaynight can be a great draw if you have events happening on Thursdays. As people are looking for things to do, they could come across your event and voila! A new participant in your Thursday event.
Let’s take a look at some of the most popular hashtags and see how you could incorporate them.
1. #TBT
As one of the most popular hashtags used on Instagram, this is an unmissable opportunity to stay trending! Don’t feel that you have to only think about personal posts when it comes to #TBTs; this is an absolutely wonderful time to dust off those old company photos, or the first photograph you ever took. Sharing defining moments for you and your brand’s story is a great way to connect and engage with your followers.
2. #thirstythursday
Another high-ranking hashtag, people are starting to look toward the weekend and think about going out or enjoying some time with friends. You don’t have to go wild here– remember to always keep it on brand. Maybe you’re looking to use some sparkling water or some other favorite beverage to highlight the hashtag. @rrtuuning used his car at a gas station to show off his #thirstythursday! Remember to get creative; it can show another relatable side to you and your brand.
Other popular hashtags on Thursdays include #thickthursday (138k), #thursdaymorning (362k), #thursdaynightfootball (265k), and #thursdayfeels (135k).
Instagram Hashtags for Fridays
Guys, the weekend is here! And although the weekends aren’t notorious for being the biggest traffic draws on Instagram, Friday is still technically part of the weekday and has some of the best posting reach of all. There are also a lot of really cool things you can do with Friday!
Friday Hashtags Posts
#friday 73.7m
#fbf 20.9m
#fridaynight 15.2m
#fridayfeeling 3.1m
#fridaymood 4.8m
#fridaynightlights 1.5m
#fridayfun 1.3m
#fridaynights 1.1m
#fridayfunday 1m
#followfriday 1m
One of our top Friday hashtags is similar to the #TBT, but here we see #FBF– flashback Friday. People are looking for that last bit of nostalgia before they go out and enjoy their Friday night, as we see a surge in things related to fun and enjoyment.
Remember, don’t get sucked into thinking this has to be about partying or going out; there are lots of ways to incorporate these ideas in other ways, such as date nights, projects around the house, art, and sharing moments with those around you. Depending on your niche you can get creative and stay on-brand!
1. #fridaymood
Like we said, people here are looking for a bit of relief after their week. Anything that shows you’re feeling good and ready for the weekend is a great way to incorporate this into your Friday news feed. When you have a really specific niche, for example, you should always stick with it! @itspoultrynmotion used their chicken coop lighting success to show that they’re in a great Friday mood by finding new ways to do something in their life. Especially when you’re in a small niche, you want to stick to your brand to retain that consistency amongst your posts.
2. #fridaynightlights
This is a great hashtag because it can be used in many ways. Traditionally, it relates to football, but it’s become a general hashtag amongst users to bring a little art and creativity to their posts. For example, @hopemort used the hashtag to highlight some interesting lighting on her travel post to Sydney. Great way to incorporate some creativity into your content.
Some other popular hashtags for Fridays include #Fridayfunny (242k), #fridayreads (149k), #fridaynightvibes (196k), #fridayselfie (310k), #fridayintroductions (260k), #fanartfriday (332k), and #fridaymorning (751k).
Lots of great ways to incorporate Fridays in your weekly hashtag roundup!
Instagram Hashtags for Saturday
Saturday isn’t the best day for overall engagement, so if you’re looking to get some rest and give your feed a little break, Saturdays would be the day to do it. Even still, you can still keep your posting consistency up by incorporating some Saturday hashtags into the mix.
Let’s take a look at what we can find trending on Saturdays.
Saturday Hashtags Posts
#saturday 69.5m
#saturdaynight 21.9m
#saturdayvibes 5.3m
#saturdaymorning 4.9m
#saturdaymood 1.8m
#saturdayfun 1.4m
#saturdaysarefortheboys 614k
#saturdaynightfever 486k
#saturdayshenanigans 375k
#saturdaynightout 216k
Everyone is looking to show off their style and fun side on Saturdays. All of these tags are related to some kind of action or excitement in what’s going on during our weekend lives.
Another great thing to note here is that #saturdaymorning has popped up with a lot of use at 4.9m. This is a great example of ways to incorporate events. If you’ve got some event happening on a Saturday morning, like a farmer’s market or a promotional event, using this hashtag can be a great way to showcase it and open it up to new eyes!
Some other popular Saturday hashtags include #saturdaylunch (202k), #saturdaynightvibes (201k), #saturdayfeels (216k), #saturdayrun (134k), #saturdayshopping (163k), and #saturdaywalk (116k).
1. #saturdaysarefortheboys
This is a fun and clever little hashtag that really allows you to involve your group in your photos! If you’ve got a team, highlight them doing something fun. If you’re out on a trip, show it off. @Herbysmudclub featured a video going through some crazy mud terrain on a quad for the 4th of July and racked up over 20,00 views. Even pets can enjoy this hashtag– @dejavu.frenchies featured one of their lovely bulldogs using it! Adorbs. Don’t be afraid to stray from convention if you can make it work in a charming way.
2. #saturdayvibes
With this hashtag you won’t miss anyone in their afternoon best or their most relaxing outfit. You’ll see a lot of light colors with bright lighting and food and drink, including selfies and other finer things in life like beaches and animals. This is a great opportunity to highlight your most feel-good stuff, or amp up for energy for the evening.
Instagram Hashtags for Sunday
Ah yes. The official day of fun and relaxing– #sundayfunday. Other than relaxing with great food and friends while showing off their #sundaystyle, you won’t find much more focus on these days. While Sunday is another day that doesn’t typically get the highest level of engagement, there are some Sunday hashtags that are extremely popular, and if you are a restaurant, you might especially find a way to capitalize off of Sundays.
Sunday Hashtags Posts
#sunday 106m
#sundayfunday 51.8m
#sundayvibes 9m
#sundaybrunch 2.2m
#sundaynight 2.5m
#sundaydinner 1.9m
#sundayselfie 1.6m
#sundaylunch 1.2m
#sundayrunday 1m
#sundayfun 1m
As we can see, there are so many great opportunities to promote brunch, lunch, dinner, and drink specials. If you have musical events or special things happening, get them out there. Show off your best outfits or style with the classic #sundaybest. This can even expand beyond clothing depending on how you use it!
Be creative and make it work for you. People are ready to enjoy life on Sundays. And apparently, it’s a great day to take a #sundayselfie!
1. #sundayfunday
Overwhelmingly the most popular hashtag for Sundays, this can be a great way to keep your consistency in while taking a break from the serious stuff. You can use this hashtag in so many ways; you can showcase what you do to relax, you can show how you unwind, maybe you’ve got a big day or an event and you can use it there. The possibilities are endless with this one!
2. #sundayvibes
Another popular one on Sunday, you can use this one to capture your energy as you’re going into a fresh week. It’s a great way to connect with your followers using a “call-to-action” question: ask them something in your caption to promote engagement. You can also use the hashtag in your stories and do the same; offer them a poll, ask them to tag you using the hashtag, or host a live feed with some advice for the week or a roundup of the previous one. Use the time to drop hints about what could be coming.
Some other popular hashtags for Sundays include #sundayride (342k), #sundayschool (418k), #sundaystyle (260k), #sundaybaking (216k), #sundaybest (671k) #sundayroast (801k), #sundayworkout (330k), #sundaythoughts (335k), #sundaybumday (434k), and #sundaymornings (869k).
Hashtag Round-Up
Hopefully, now you’ve got an introduction on Instagram hashtags for every day of the week! When planned just right, they can be a great way to jazz up your posts and expand your reach to trending tags and topics.
Don’t forget to engage with your followers and include them; the more relatable you make yourself and the more you build a community, the better engagement you’ll get from your audience. Not only does your engagement and involvement encourage your followers to do the same, but your brand image will also build credibility and authenticity.
One word of caution– don’t overdo it! You don’t want to mash all of the hashtags together. Choose one focus and make sure that you do your best to tie the hashtag theme into your niche and maintain a clear brand image connection. You can check out some tips on how many hashtags to use for your audience size.
One final thing to consider when using hashtags is the placement of the hashtags. You can place them directly in the caption, you can use spacing to push them down to the “more” button so that they are not visible upon first glance, and you can also add additional hashtags into the comments so that they are not visible in the caption. What works best will depend on your post aesthetic and what you find works best for your audience.
Do you have any daily hashtag tips that you love using? Have you gotten creative with any of the hashtags? Let us know in the comments!