Have you ever wondered what the top 30 fitness hashtags to use on Instagram were?
In today’s article we’re going to go over the best and most relevant fitness hashtags that influencers and creators are using to maximize their reach and their engagement with their most targeted fitness Instagram followers.
It’s no secret that the fitness industry has absolutely blown up on the Instagram platform. And while it’s definitely more competitive which means it’s harder to rise out of the oblivion, it’s by no means impossible to get your fitness Instagram account noticed if you work hard, create great content, network with other creators, and use all the tools that you can to grow your Instagram.
All that aside, this article will give you a runthrough of the top 30 fitness hashtags that you can use to grow your Instagram account along with our recommendation of adding it to your fitness hashtag sets and generally how hard it will be to show up (rank) on that explore page.
(Start 100 words) With over 33 million posts, the hashtag #getfit is one of the most popular fitness hashtags to use if you want to grow your Instagram with real followers. One thing to note is that with so many posts, it might be hard to come up inside the #getfit fitness hashtag explore page.
The top related hashtags to the #getfit hashtag page for fitness Instagram growth are #fitgoals #fitlife #fitnesslife #workouttime #fitness #liftingweights #fitnesslifestyle #getmoving #fit #workoutoftheday
We recommend using this as one of your top 30 fitness hashtags if you want to potentially increase the reach and engagement of your Instagram account. (End 100 words)
With over 45 million posts, cardio is surely one of the most popular fitness hashtags on Instagram.
If you want to grow your fitness Instagram with real followers then we certainly recommend using #cardio as a way to get more reach and more engagement.
As with the #getfit hashtag though, you might have some trouble reaching that explore page.
Although, if you can use this top fitness hashtag to grow your followers then you will have no shortage of new and fresh engagement on your content for a long time.
Think outside the box and try to beat the algorithm by testing content ideas that you might not have tried before.
#Cycling is another popular instagram hashtag for fitness accounts. With over 27.4 million posts, you can see why using the #cycling fitness hashtag can increase your organic reach and organic engagement.
Typically, the images on the #cycling hashtag’s feed are outdoors with people on a bike (go figure).
As with the above hashtags, we forecast a high difficulty in reaching this explore page, but as we said before, by thinking outside the box you have the opportunity to get your fitness Instagram account to the #cycling hashtag explore page.
Undoubtedly, the #FitFam hashtag is one of the most popular hashtags on the Instagram platform. Funnily enough, we noticed that people use the #FitFam hashtag to grow their Instagram account even if they are NOT fitness related.
They are using one of the top fitness hashtags without being into fitness… Hmmm, awkward.
In anycase, we doubt that you will have the ability to show up on the explore page for this fitness hashtag, but never say never.
Creating awesome content that hijacks the algorithm can get you to the top, but it’s always trial and error.
The #fitlife fitness hashtag has proven time and time again a popular edition to any fitness Instagram account’s hashtag sets.
With over 34 million posts, there’s an insane amount of engagement up for grabs on this top fitness hashtag, but you need to think strategically about how you’re going to get there.
Another way of reaching the explore page (for any hashtag) is to model the most popular content that’s consistently reaching the top.
Our estimation is that you will have a moderate to hard time reaching the top of this explore page.
The #fitness hashtag is without a shadow of a doubt the most popular fitness related hashtag in the world.
If you can comprehend the amount of posts that have this hashtag (399,545,483), it’s literally mind blowing.
That being said, we strongly recommend that if you are looking for the best fitness hashtags to grow your Instagram account then this is not one you should be using.
With that amount of competition, it’s almost impossible to reach the explore page for the fitness hashtag.
Although, who are we to crush your dreams? If you think you can, then go for it!
#FitnessMotivation is a great tag because everybody that’s posting here is trying to inspire.
Inspiration always gets better engagement (it’s proven), because people want to be inspired.
I think it’s a human trait that we can’t ignore. That being said, with over 85 million posts for this hashtag, we forecast the difficulty for you to hit the explore page to be moderate to hard.
Model what’s working and try to hack the algorithm because the amount of reach and the amount of engagement you get will be well worth it.
Here we have a fitness Instagram hashtag that has some potential.
The #FitnessAddict hashtag has roughly 40 million posts which we estimate to be moderate to semi-hard to rank for.
If you’re trying to hit the explore page for a fitness Instagram hashtag then we recommend trying this one because we feel that with the mix of profiles trying to reach the explore page you have a good chance of getting a share of engagement and reach by adding this to your hashtag sets.
Remember to have a mixture of hashtags that have higher posts and lower posts in your fitness hashtag sets.
With only 4 million posts the #getstrong hashtag is another great addition you should consider in your fitness hashtag sets.
Because of the smaller number of posts, we feel the difficulty you will face to rank in the explore page for this fitness hashtag is semi moderate to moderate.
Creating great content and being consistent with your hashtags will give you a better chance to show up inside the explore page for the fitness hashtag #GetStrong.
Adding this hashtag to your fitness hashtag sets will ultimately yield more views from hashtags.
#GirlsWhoLift is a power fitness hashtag with a very big reach increase probability.
Because of the popularity of this hashtag, however, our estimate is that you will have a moderate to hard difficulty showing up in the explore page.
That being said, there are opportunities and overall we think that this could be a good addition to your hashtag sets if you are a girl who lifts.
Think great content that’s relevant to this hashtag to hack the algorithm and try to rank faster and higher on this explore page for your Instagram account.
Like it’s counterparts #fitfam and #fitness, the #gymlife hashtag is definitely a hashtag that can help you reach millions of people and get tons and tons of likes and engagement.
With that said, however, if you want to rank your fitness instagram with the help of the #gymlife hashtag then you can expect a hard difficulty score.
While not impossible, content is critical to reaching the explore page for the #gymlife hashtag.
Model what’s working in your own unique flavor and you’ll stand a lot better chance.
Overall, we think this hashtag can yield a percentage of engagement even if you don’t reach the explore page.
The #gymtime hashtag is very similar to our previous fitness hashtag #gymlife as you can see from the related hashtags, but we estimate you’ll have a lot easier time ranking your fitness Instagram account for this hashtag than you would the previous one.
With a little bit over 17 million posts, the #gymtime hashtag should be a welcomed addition to your fitness hashtag sets if you want more organic reach and more organic engagement for your fitness Instagram account. Our recommendation is that you want to try this hashtag as soon as possible.
We love the term “no pain no gain”, and so do the people of Instagram. As you can see, the #nopainnogain hashtag has over 23 million posts which makes it moderately difficult to rank on the explore page, although by no means impossible.
Our recommendation is to include this top fitness hashtag inside your fitness hashtag sets because it can definitely yield some solid organic engagement and engagement reach for your fitness Instagram account.
Because of the amount of posts in this hashtag, you will need to model the content that’s hitting this explore page now if you want to have a chance to rank.
Because of the explosion of personal trainers (both online and offline), they’ve taken the Instagram platform by storm.
We noticed that even people that are not fitness related are using the #personaltrainer hashtag to get more reach and exposure.
Having over 31 million posts, the #personaltrainer hashtag is a welcome addition to well crafted fitness hashtag set, although should not be a main contender for your organic reach and engagement.
That said, you should notice some improvement after adding this to your fitness hashtag sets to get more fitness Instagram followers.
The #sweat hashtag is surprisingly popular with over 14 million posts. Don’t expect huge amounts of fitness reach or fitness engagement based on this hashtag though because we noticed that there are not a huge amounts of searches based on this hashtag.
We estimate that you’ll have a moderate amount of of difficulty trying to rank on the explore page which is why we are going to NOT recommend using this hashtag in your fitness hashtag sets.
There are better and more relevant hashtags that you can use to get more organic reach and organic engagement.
The #weights fitness hashtag is a great addition to your fitness hashtag sets. With roughly 10 million posts we estimate that it will be a moderate difficulty in getting ranked on the explore page.
On the positive side, though, we noticed a lot of organic fitness enthusiasts engaging and interacting with the content that reached this explore page which is a welcome sign of what you can expect should you start to rank your fitness Instagram account.
Although, there were a few non “weight” related images and they experienced little to no engagement at all.
As with the #weights hashtag above, we noticed a great amount of targeted fitness Instagram engagement and reach on the #weightlifting hashtag.
We predict this is the case because of the community inside weightlifting in general being so passionate about the sport.
If you’re a weightlifter or in the same respective niche then we highly recommend using this hashtag as an addition because you will notice a solid gain when it comes to getting more fitness followers on your Instagram account.
Try this in conjunction with some less popular hashtags for maximum traction.
The #workout hashtag is a short-tail fitness hashtag that’s extremely popular.
Because of this, expect an extremely difficult time trying to rank for this page.
That being said, we recommend you should include a mixture of shorter hashtags in your fitness hahstag sets because it will still increase your fitness reach and engagement.
As with any other very popular hashtag, you want to try and hack the algorithm to reach the explore page by creating amazing fitness content and getting a lot of real authentic engagement very fast.
A great way to showcase before and afters, the #transformationtuesday hashtag is a very popular hashtag that’s searched very frequently which means more real fitness reach and engagement.
We’re happy to report that you will have a semi moderate difficulty to reach this explore page, but keep in mind that most of the content that does reach the top and rank for this fitness hashtag are typically before and after images or videos of transformations.
If you do reach this explore page, then you should notice a solid increase in organic engagement and reach for your fitness account.
With under 5 million posts the hashtag #gethealthy is a great addition to any fitness hashtag set.
We estimate that it will be semi moderate to come up on the explore page and you will experience a solid amount of fitness reach and fitness engagement.
People are always searching for the hashtag #gethealthy and they are actively engaging on the content that comes up in the explore page.
With the right kind of fitness / health related Instagram content you will notice a great increase in engagement and reach.
The #healthylife hashtag is one of the more popular fitness hashtags with over 21 million posts.
As with some other fitness related hashtags, we noticed that some accounts were NOT fitness, yet they were still trying to rank on this explore page.
If you want the best chance at more organic reach and organic engagement from this #healthylife hashtag then we recommend modeling the content that’s already working on the explore page.
Once again, the #healthtalk hashtag is not technically fitness, and so if you want more fitness followers and fitness Instagram engagement then we recommend skipping over this one.
While there is a good yield of reach and a low competition rate, we feel that the type of people that will see your profile will not be good matches and they will not engage.
Eat clean is a super popular hashtag that does correspond and connect to the fitness audience.
With 59 million posts, though, you stand a very hard difficulty reaching that sought after explore page.
While we do recommend adding this to your hashtag set for a fitness account, just remember that you want to try and post a picture with some sort of food dish to get the most engagement and reach from this hashtag.
Related Hashtags: #cleaneating#fitfood#cleaneats#heathy#eathealthy#healthyeating#eatingclean#eatfit#eatcleandiet#eatinghealthy
The #cleaneats hashtag is similar to it’s brother #eatclean in that it is still fitness related, but in all honesty we did not notice much of an increase when it came to fitness engagement and fitness reach.
With 7 million posts the difficulty to rank on the explore page will cause you more trouble for a lower engagement.
We recommend NOT using this hashtag for fitness related content UNLESS you have some sort of food that you want to share.
#eatlocal is a great hashtag if you want to rank a local eatery or business.
Unfortunately it’s still hard to get more foot traffic for your restuarante if you use this hashtag and come up on the explore page because of the fact that the images will be broadcasting from around the world.
Although with 7 million posts, you do stand a good chance to come up on the explore page and grab the share of reach.
Glutenfree hashtag is a great tag if you want to share foods that are gluten free.
Fitness enthusiasts around the world are adopting a gluten free diet in search of a healthier life.
We noticed moderate gains in reach with this fitness hashtag, and our recommendation to reach this explore page is going to be hard to moderately hard.
We would recommend using better targeted hashtags for your fitness account than this one.
#dairyfree is more of a weight loss hashtag than a fitness hashtag, but we have still seen some success in fitness engagement and reach with the use of this hashtag.
Although, with 10 million posts, our recommendation is to go ahead and skip this hashtag if you want to reach maximum fitness followers on Instagram.
There are better ways to come up on the explore page than using the #dairyfree hashtag for your fitness Instagram.
#healthyeating is quite a popular hashtag in the health niche.
With over 34 million posts, we estimate that it will be moderate to hard in difficulty to rank on the explore page.
That being said, with the ability to see what kind of content is working you should be able to model that content and that gives you a better chance to rank.
We don’t recommend using this hashtag if you are trying to get more fitness Instagram followers because, while it is health, it isn’t technically “fitness and that might attract the wrong kind of people to your content.
I hope this article has given you a lot of insight when it comes to what you can do to rank your fitness Instagram account by using the top fitness hashtags on Instagram.
Remember, there’s no one size fits all approach to coming up (ranking) on the explore page for each respective hashtag.
Because of this I always recommend a trial and error approach.
The steps that you absolutely need to take if you want to appear anywhere on the popular fitness hashtags are as follows:
Create great content: This could mean funny, outside the box, serious, transformational, inspirational, videos, images, or any other combination. The thing to remember is you’re not making the content for yourself, you’re making it for your audience. So give them what they want.
Model what’s already working: Success leaves clues and it’s no different when trying to rank on the explore page for the top fitness hashtags. Look through what’s already working and use that as a launching point to create the best content that people want to see (with your own flavor of course)
Test everything: I know we give this answer a lot, but the only way you know what will work is by testing it. If it doesn’t work, then make a note of that and move on. If it does work, then HELLO ENGAGEMENT.
We want to hear you! Were there any fitness hashtags that helped you grow your account? If so, which ones?
Are you using any hashtags for your fitness Instagram that we didn’t cover? If so, which ones?
Lastly — what did we miss?
Leave us a comment with your recommendations and feedback! Like we said, we love to hear from you.