What Does Restrict Mean on IG: A Complete Guide

If you ever wondered what does restrict mean on IG? you're not alone. 

This feature was created to give users more control over their interactions on the platform. 

In this guide, we'll break down what restricting someone means, how it works, and what happens when you use it. 

Whether you're dealing with unwanted interactions or just curious about the feature, we've got you covered.

What Does Restrict Mean on Instagram?

On Instagram, restricting someone is a way to manage your interactions with them without entirely blocking or unfollowing them. 

When you restrict a user, they can still see your posts and stories, but their comments and messages are more controlled.

Here’s what happens:

  • Comments: Restricted users can comment on your posts, but their comments will only be visible unless you approve them. This prevents unwanted or spammy comments from being seen by others.

  • Messages: Messages from restricted accounts are moved to your inbox. It means you won't receive notifications for their messages and can choose whether to read or respond to them.

  • Activity Status: A user can't see when you're active on Instagram or if you've read their messages. This adds a layer of privacy, making it harder for them to track your online activity.

In short, restricting someone is a softer approach than blocking. It lets you limit their interactions without completely cutting them off.

What Happens When You Restrict Someone on Instagram?

When you restrict someone on Instagram, the experience changes for both you and the specified user.

For You:

  • Comments Control: You have more control over the comments they leave on your posts. If you approve their comment, it will be visible to everyone. If not, only they will see it.

  • Message Filtering: Their messages are automatically filtered into your Requests inbox, reducing unwanted notifications. You can ignore, read, or respond without them knowing.

For the Restricted User:

  • Limited Visibility: They can still interact with your content, but their interactions are less visible. For example, anyone else might never see their comments if you choose not to approve them.

  • No Notifications: They won’t be notified that you’ve restricted account, so they might not even realize anything has changed.

This feature is great for managing awkward situations in which you want to distance yourself from someone without provoking a confrontation.

How to Restrict Someone on Instagram

Restricting someone on Instagram is simple and can be done in a few quick steps. Here’s how you can do it:

From Their Profile

  1. Search for the User: Open the Instagram app and use the search bar to find the profile of the person you want to restrict.

  2. Access the Menu: Once on their profile, tap the three dots in the top-right corner.

  3. Select "Restrict": In the menu that appears, tap “Restrict.” Instagram will confirm the action, and the user will be restricted.

From a Comment

  1. Find the Comment: Go to one of your posts and find a comment from the user you want to restrict on your Instagram app.

  2. Tap and Hold: Press and hold the comment until a menu appears.

  3. Select "Restrict": Choose “Restrict” from the options. The user will be restricted, and their future comments will be managed.

From Direct Messages

  1. Open the Conversation: Go to your messages and find the conversation with the user you want to restrict.

  2. Access the Menu: Tap the “i” icon in the top-right corner to open the conversation details.

  3. Select "Restrict": Scroll down and tap “Restrict.” This will move their messages to your inbox.

Pro Tip: You can also manage restrictions through your Instagram Account Settings. Go to Privacy > Restricted Accounts to see a list of users you’ve restricted and adjust settings as needed.

Difference Between Block and Restrict on Instagram

Understanding the difference between blocking and restricting on Instagram is critical to managing your social interactions effectively. Here’s a breakdown:

Block vs. Restrict: A Detailed Comparison




Visibility of Profile

The blocked user cannot see your profile, posts, or stories.

The user can still see your profile, posts, and stories.

Comments on Posts

The blocked user cannot comment on your posts.

The user can comment, but only you can see the comments unless you approve them.

Direct Messages

The blocked user cannot send you messages.

Messages from users go to your Requests inbox without notifications.

Activity Status

The blocked user cannot see when you’re online.

The user also cannot see your activity status.

Notification to User

The blocked user knows they’ve been blocked.

The restricted user is not notified of their restriction.


Blocking is a more permanent solution, often used when you don’t want any contact with the person.

Restricting is more flexible and can be reversed easily without the user knowing.

When to Use Each


Use this when you want to completely cut off all interaction with someone on Instagram. This is best for situations where the person is harassed, or you don’t wish to contact.


Use this to maintain some level of interaction but with more control. 

It’s ideal for managing awkward or less severe situations where you must limit someone’s visibility without completely blocking them.

Both features are valuable tools, but choosing the right one depends on the situation.

Can a Restricted Account See Your Story?

Yes, a restricted Instagram account can still see your Instagram stories. Restricting someone does not prevent them from viewing your stories. 

However, if you’re concerned about someone seeing your stories, there are additional steps you can take.

Ways to Manage Story Views:

  1. Hide Your Story:

    • Go to Settings > Privacy > Story.

    • Select “Hide Story From” and choose to restrict users you want to exclude. This ensures they won’t see any future stories you post.

  2. Close Friends List:

    • Use the Close Friends feature to share stories with a select group of people.

    • Restricted users won’t be part of this list unless you add them, meaning they won’t see stories shared only with close friends.

  3. Private Account:

    • Only your approved followers can see your stories if your Instagram account is private. This doesn’t change for restricted users, but they’ll still be able to view your stories unless you take additional steps like hiding stories from them.

Pro Tip: If you’re not ready to block someone but don’t want them to see your stories, the “Hide Story From” option is a good compromise.

How Do You Know if Someone Restricts You on Instagram?

It’s tricky to know if someone has restricted you on Instagram because the platform doesn’t notify users when this happens. 

However, there are a few signs that might indicate you’ve been restricted:

Signs You Might Be Restricted:

  1. Comment Visibility:

    • If you comment on their post and don’t see any engagement (likes or replies) from others, your comment may only be to you.

  2. Direct Messages:

    • When you send them a message, it stays in “Seen,” but you never get a reply, or they don't see it at all. This could mean your messages go straight to their inbox, which they might not check regularly.

  3. Activity Status:

    • If you used to see their online status (like “Active now” or “Active 2 hours ago”) but don’t anymore, this could be a sign you’ve been restricted.

  4. Limited Interaction:

    • It might indicate they've restricted you if they suddenly stop interacting with your content and have no likes, comments, or views on your stories.

While these signs can hint that you’ve been restricted, they aren’t foolproof. The person may be less active or choose not to engage with your content.

Pro Tip: If you suspect someone has restricted you, respect their decision and consider whether you need to change how you interact with them on Instagram.

How to Manage Restricted Accounts on Instagram

Managing restricted accounts on Instagram is straightforward, allowing you to control your interactions without completely cutting someone off. 

Here’s how you can manage these accounts effectively:

Using Instagram Account Settings

  1. Access Your Settings:

    • Open the Instagram app and go to your Instagram profile.

    • Tap the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner and select Settings.

  2. Go to Privacy:

    • In the settings menu, tap Privacy. Here, you can manage who can interact with you and how.

  3. Select "Restricted Accounts":

    • Scroll down and tap on Restricted Accounts under the Connections section.

    • Here, you’ll see a list of your restricted accounts.

  4. Manage Restrictions:

    • To unrestrict someone, simply tap “Unrestrict” next to their name.

    • You can also add new accounts to the restricted list from here by searching for their username.

Checking Instagram Limits

Instagram also has features that allow you to set limits on interactions, helping you manage restricted accounts even further:

  1. Limits on Interactions:

    • Instagram allows you to limit interactions from certain groups, such as people who don’t follow you or have recently started following you. This can be found in Settings > Privacy > Limits.

  2. Setting Time Limits:

    • You can also set daily limits on how much time you spend on Instagram. This helps you manage your overall activity, especially if you’re dealing with unwanted interactions. Go to Settings > Your Activity to set daily reminders and limits.

Pro Tip: Regularly review your restricted list and privacy settings to ensure they meet your needs. As your relationships and interactions change, your preferences for those who are restricted will also change.


Learning what does restrict mean on IG and restricting someone on Instagram is a powerful tool for managing your interactions while maintaining a level of connection. 

It’s a subtle way to control unwanted comments and messages without blocking or unfollowing. 


Whether you’re looking to protect your privacy or manage a tricky relationship, the Instagram restrict feature offers a flexible solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when you restrict someone on Instagram?

When you restrict someone, their comments on your posts are only visible to them unless you approve them. 

Their messages are moved to your Requests inbox, and they can’t see when you’re online or if you’ve read their messages.

What is the difference between blocking and restricting on Instagram?

Blocking someone completely cuts off all interaction; they can’t see your posts, stories, or Instagram profile and can’t message you. 

Restricting someone is more subtle; they can still see your content, but their interactions are limited and less visible.

Can a restricted account see your story?

Yes, a restricted Instagram account can still see your stories unless you specifically hide your stories from them or use the Close Friends feature.

How do you know if someone restricts you on Instagram?

It’s hard to know, but some signs include your comments not receiving likes or replies from others, your messages going unread, and no longer seeing their online activity status.