Twitter is one of those social networks that is helpful to use if you are a burgeoning business, and you want to get your name out there and in front of your target audience.
The trouble is that you probably don’t have all the time in the world to do this, but you still want to be able to build a solid marketing strategy that you can use for a long time to come.
In this article, we are going to walk you through how to get more Twitter clicks, so that you can set your Twitter profile up for success, and ultimately drive more people to your website.
When you are writing your next piece of content for Twitter, you need to make sure that it’s engaging for the reader, and appealing. You need to make sure that it’s the right length, too.
Yes, Twitter allows for more characters these days, but studies show that the optimal length of a tweet is between 70 and 100 characters.
Try to stick to this margin as much as possible.
Use Twitter Cards to Your Advantage
Twitter cards is a feature that lets you implement multimedia attachments to your tweets, whether this is a photo or a video or something else altogether.
This is going to increase your engagement a lot, so think about how you can pair your tweets with appealing multimedia posts in order to boost your Twitter clicks. In this realm, a little can go a long way.
Focus on Titles and Keywords
If you are in the world of business online, then there is a good chance that you have heard of SEO. If you have, then you will know just how important it is to think about things like keywords, and optimizing your titles.
Keywords are going to help you rank really well in search engines, so that you can come up in front of your relevant audience more, who are going to be searching those keywords already.
If you want to be able to bridge the gap between you and your audience, keywords are essential.
Use Hashtags the Right Way
Everyone knows that hashtags are an important part of Twitter – in fact, Twitter is where hashtags first got their start.
This means that you definitely need to incorporate hashtags into your overall marketing strategy, but you’ve got to do it the right way.
You’ve got to make sure that you are using hashtags that are effective and relevant.
The more relevant your hashtags are to your brand, the closer you are going to get to being able to interact with your audience, and to keeping their attention for a long time.
Choose the Right Time to Post
The last thing that you might want to do right now after spending a lot of time thinking about your next tweet idea is thinking about whether it’s a good time to post it or not, but the more accurate you can be with this, the better it is going to do.
There is no point wasting all that talent if you’re going to put your tweet up at a time when hardly any of your target audience is online.
Get the timing right, and you could double, even triple your engagement, without too much more effort than you normally put in.
Twitter analytics make it really easy to figure this out, so definitely make sure that you get the timing right when it comes to when you decide to post your tweets.
Engage in Twitter Chats
Twitter, just like any other traditional social media platform out there, is all about engagement and conversation.
As a result, it’s not enough to just put content out there and then cross your fingers and hope for the best – you’ve got to show up as well and interact with your audience as much as possible.
When you participate in things like Twitter chats, you are going to encourage more engagement on your tweets, and you are going to be able to increase the relevancy of your tweets in general.
You’ve got to give a little to get a little, so the more you can be part of your community on Twitter, the more you are going to be able to build a community around your tweets.
Give the Right Space Between Tweets
Maybe you have had a brainwave, and you have come up with some pretty appealing tweet ideas that you want to get up as soon as possible.
However, you need to pump the brakes a little bit, because if you are too eager, you are going to put your audience off.
You need to maintain a good balance as far as how often you tweet, so that you can keep your audience engaged.
Once you have put a tweet up, let it breathe and do its thing to see if it gets the engagement that you want it to get.
Try to keep your cool and only post a few times a day so that you’re not spamming your audience.
Add a Link at the Beginning of Your Tweet
Data out there recommends placing links at the start of your tweets, which is going to increase that all important click through rate.
If the link is one of the first things that people see, they are more likely to want to click on it than if it’s at the end of your tweet.